
Monday, April 18, 2016

The Hammock story

Towards the end of the summer before 8th grade i went on high adventure with the young mens. For the trip we went river rafting in the snake river in northern Idaho. For those who have never gone the rapids are often very intense and in multiple occasions the raft of ten people would flip making us all swim through rapids to both retrieve and get on the raft. And in the few moments the water was still the raft soon became a giant king of the hill game for which i almost always got wrestled into the water. 

As you can imagine this was exhausting. So after a long day of this all i could think about was lying in a hammock that a leader said i could use and relaxing. Now at the same time i had recently bought what i had thought to be the coolest pocket knife ever. So naturally i wanted to try it out.  Now for those with basic common sense, you would think. You probably should sit up and and not lay on a hammock with both legs fully exposed while you play with the pocket knife. But this thought never occurred to Parker and thus i did just that. 
And after about a good 20 minutes the inevitable happened. The knife slipped and left a huge gash on my right leg. Now for those you don't know me, well this is no new thing for me. Just look at my left hand and there's plenty of proof of this. So this unfortunately being routine i got out got some rope to stop blood flow and wobbled over to the emergency tent. There sat the medic for the camp. This being nothing new i sat down and just gave him a brief description of what happened as he further inspects my leg.
After a few moment he gets up and and says “come with me were going to haft to cauterize the wound.” “What?!” “Yea come here we're going to haft to cauterize it.” * now a little heart to heart moment here for those who are considering a medical career, many of your patients will be little startled and started asking questions, comfort them. * But this moron doesn't hold anything back. He starts describing how much it hurts, about how i'll haft to do it laying down in case i pass out and this there's no other option because the nearest hospital is over two hours away and we need to stop the bleeding.
At this point were in the kitchen and hes already has the knife on the stove heating up. So as this guy is telling me how much it is going to hurt i'm staring right into a knife that’s slowly turning orange. I'm panicking. Its fight or flight time baby and I look at this guy and instead of seeing this medic i see this dumb kid who doesn't look much older then me and probably doesn't know what he’s doing. And he's going to but a burn my cut shut. So right as he gets the knife i start backing up. “Come here we need to do this. Come on” now if you're trying to calm someone down what do you do not walk at him with a knife. 
So i bolt Full speed i'm holding nothing back, and this maniac chases me with THE KNIFE STILL IN HIS HAND! now i don't know  if it was adrenaline or the fact that he didn't run very fast so he doesn't accidentally burn himself but i got away and go right into the nearby woods. I stay there for a good half an hour hiding till some leaders find me. Turns out that the whole thing was a practical joke and i never was supposed to get it cauterized. Now the thing that still bothers me to this day is the fact that he never told me that it was a joke while i was running away so that i wouldn't go hide for an hour or why in the world did he take the knife while chancing me when the whole thing was a joke. Anyway that is the hammock story.   

The End