This is just a tribute.
Couldn't remember The Greatest Song in the World, no, no.
This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was the best muthaf**kin' song the greatest song in the world."
-Jack Black
this is a tribute
to the stupidity that made my highschool great
to chemistry (F**k you) and stoichiometry (F**K you too) #FutureMissionary
to last minute over night projects and group projects i took a back seat to
to the dream team
to night boarding
to sneaking out (thank god for basement doors)
to smash and toon link
to all the girls i never could talk to
to bros nights because we never could talk to girls
to the teachers that cared and the teachers that didn't
to mangam (thanks i never really wanted to learn a language)
to sophomore year
to dumb crazy parties
to the the almost predictable depression.
to squeeze media, highland elementary and malawi's
to all the inadequacies
to all the dances
to jr prom
to that one girl that i kissed
to betos #NotSponsored
to XC
to the one year of band (even though i did nothing)
to Master Bateman the first teacher to truly hate me (honestly one of my favorite classes XD lol)
to PK and the feeling of inadequacy
to MP (i really am sorry )
to pokemon
to goblin valley
to art 1
to Mr.Dunn
to Oregon
to AC
to nilla wafer top hat time
to star bomb
to fight nights
to the endless number of groups that i was part of
to life
to explosions in the sky
to kasabian
to the fleeting picture of who i once was
i sit here looking at a screen going through the memories that have made me. terrified of the unknown.
astonished of the grief i feel leaving something i hated behind.
i stand looking back at the fleeting picture of who i once was
i often picture myself on a one man ship. the night is silent and the waters are still. i sit looking back at where i once was as i slowly drift into the empty unknown, anxiety and fear fill the emptiness never to be seen the same again. es to.
i doubt anyone will read this and honestly i hope no one does. but in the end this is just a tribute
