
Monday, March 7, 2016


on so for this post im not just going to type what ever comes to mind. like a free thought kind of post. im not going to start with any ideas for real point. im just going to type what ever comes to mind. no back space no revisions, just my thought. nothing speacial just my thougts. man my mind if blank. i have nothing coming to mind. blank. blank  blank. nothing. this isnt starting out really strong. man do you know what is the best. Pokemon. talk about my child hood. man i loved that game, and show, and trading card game. i remember being in like second grade and id go over to my friend Dominic's house and trade cards and play with star wars legos. that was the best. i always thought that those games were the only important thing in life. that was the best. i should get a game boy. for nostalgia reasons of course. that would be wizard. elephant, hot dog, blue. i cant get deep. it official. I've tried. i just cant. most of the time i just feel stupid. irony right there. like i feel strongly about a lot of serious topics but when it comes to writing it down. it just doesn't work. like for example i think the fact that the two party system has turned into a turf war in our government is the dumbest thing about our country. that instead of working together for the common good, they just reject anything the other party hast to say and that laws only get past by the party with the majority in office. thats dumb. or that people not only stereotype but also feel the need to put them selves into a stereotype. just be your self not just whatever friend group your in. people are stupid. anyway its getting late and because this is a day late i doubt anyone will read this because its a day late. so peace, trump is a new jersey Hitler and 9 out of 5 times i don't know how anything works.



  1. we should talk about pokemon together!!!! I can show you my atomic purple gameboy color and we can be friends.

    "that would be wizard"
    I want to start saying this. I want "wizard" to be the next "cool" or "dank" or whatever people say now. Anyways this post was in fact "wizard."

  2. I like reading about your memories and your perspective on things. Also I like this line- "I feel strongly on a lot of serious topics but when it comes to writing them down, It just doesn't work"
    I can relate to that :)

  3. "just be your self not just whatever friend group your in. " and
    "9 out of 5 times I don't know how anything works"

  4. i think you worded the part about the government just right. you have a lot great ideas.

  5. That last line though
