
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

an overdue tribute to high school.

"This is not The Greatest Song in the World, no.
This is just a tribute.
Couldn't remember The Greatest Song in the World, no, no.
This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was the best muthaf**kin' song the greatest song in the world."
-Jack Black 

this is a tribute 

to the stupidity that made my highschool great
to chemistry (F**k you) and stoichiometry (F**K you too) #FutureMissionary
to last minute over night projects and group projects i took a back seat to
to the dream team
to night boarding
to sneaking out (thank god for basement doors) 
to smash and toon link
to all the girls i never could talk to
to bros nights because we never could talk to girls
to the teachers that cared and the teachers that didn't
to mangam (thanks i never really wanted to learn a language) 
to sophomore year 
to dumb crazy parties
to the the almost predictable depression. 
to squeeze media, highland elementary and malawi's  
to all the inadequacies
to all the dances 
to jr prom 
to that one girl that i kissed 
to betos #NotSponsored 
to XC 
to the one year of band (even though i did nothing)
to Master Bateman the first teacher to truly hate me (honestly one of my favorite classes XD lol)
to PK and the feeling of inadequacy 
to MP (i really am sorry ) 
to pokemon 
to goblin valley
to art 1
to Mr.Dunn 
to Oregon 
to AC 
to nilla wafer top hat time
to star bomb
to fight nights
to the endless number of groups that i was part of
to life 
to explosions in the sky
to kasabian
to the fleeting picture of who i once was 

   i sit here looking at a screen going through the memories that have made me. terrified of the unknown.

 astonished of the grief i feel leaving something i hated behind. 

i stand looking back at the fleeting picture of who i once was 

i often picture myself on a one man ship. the night is silent and the waters are still. i sit looking back at where i once was as i slowly drift into the empty unknown, anxiety and fear fill the emptiness never to be seen the same again. es to.     

i doubt anyone will read this and honestly i hope no one does. but in the end this is just a tribute 


Sunday, May 15, 2016

I Remember

i remember the tree that sat in front of my house that i would climb almost everyday

i remember the first time i met dominic, i remember feeling nervous because he was black, still don't know why but we became friends instantly and still are today.

i remember sitting on the grass during recess as we read calvin and hobbs together. we'd pretend i was calvin and she was hobbs. i remember that nicknames we got for doing so.

i remember always hiding in this closet near our living room on christmas eve trying to see santa. i remember that's how my brother found out santa (supposedly) doesn't exist

i remember every time it rained we would race leaves down the gutter.

i remember my uncles used to pretend they knew chinese around me.

i remember my last day living in the place only now plagued by memories. how we all walked to 711 and got slurpees pretending it was any other night.

i remember being alone.

i remember sunday afternoons playing frisbee and talking for hours

i remember raping N**gas in paris and thinking we were the shiz

i remember geo cashing

i remember DC

i remember the native american i made in third grade.

i remember playing mario party

i remember stratego

i remember the old basketball hoop we had. and after 10+ years the hoop was so bent you could only make it if you hit this one specific shot.

i remember the train wreck that was my 8th grade play.

i remember bump

i remember lighting a couch on fire.

i remember sluffing for the first time and feeling so guilty. (it was seminary)

i remember never wanting this to end.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blue ticket

My ticket was erode

I Took in change taken from the world and in turn it slowly killed what i once was. gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Hammock story

Towards the end of the summer before 8th grade i went on high adventure with the young mens. For the trip we went river rafting in the snake river in northern Idaho. For those who have never gone the rapids are often very intense and in multiple occasions the raft of ten people would flip making us all swim through rapids to both retrieve and get on the raft. And in the few moments the water was still the raft soon became a giant king of the hill game for which i almost always got wrestled into the water. 

As you can imagine this was exhausting. So after a long day of this all i could think about was lying in a hammock that a leader said i could use and relaxing. Now at the same time i had recently bought what i had thought to be the coolest pocket knife ever. So naturally i wanted to try it out.  Now for those with basic common sense, you would think. You probably should sit up and and not lay on a hammock with both legs fully exposed while you play with the pocket knife. But this thought never occurred to Parker and thus i did just that. 
And after about a good 20 minutes the inevitable happened. The knife slipped and left a huge gash on my right leg. Now for those you don't know me, well this is no new thing for me. Just look at my left hand and there's plenty of proof of this. So this unfortunately being routine i got out got some rope to stop blood flow and wobbled over to the emergency tent. There sat the medic for the camp. This being nothing new i sat down and just gave him a brief description of what happened as he further inspects my leg.
After a few moment he gets up and and says “come with me were going to haft to cauterize the wound.” “What?!” “Yea come here we're going to haft to cauterize it.” * now a little heart to heart moment here for those who are considering a medical career, many of your patients will be little startled and started asking questions, comfort them. * But this moron doesn't hold anything back. He starts describing how much it hurts, about how i'll haft to do it laying down in case i pass out and this there's no other option because the nearest hospital is over two hours away and we need to stop the bleeding.
At this point were in the kitchen and hes already has the knife on the stove heating up. So as this guy is telling me how much it is going to hurt i'm staring right into a knife that’s slowly turning orange. I'm panicking. Its fight or flight time baby and I look at this guy and instead of seeing this medic i see this dumb kid who doesn't look much older then me and probably doesn't know what he’s doing. And he's going to but a burn my cut shut. So right as he gets the knife i start backing up. “Come here we need to do this. Come on” now if you're trying to calm someone down what do you do not walk at him with a knife. 
So i bolt Full speed i'm holding nothing back, and this maniac chases me with THE KNIFE STILL IN HIS HAND! now i don't know  if it was adrenaline or the fact that he didn't run very fast so he doesn't accidentally burn himself but i got away and go right into the nearby woods. I stay there for a good half an hour hiding till some leaders find me. Turns out that the whole thing was a practical joke and i never was supposed to get it cauterized. Now the thing that still bothers me to this day is the fact that he never told me that it was a joke while i was running away so that i wouldn't go hide for an hour or why in the world did he take the knife while chancing me when the whole thing was a joke. Anyway that is the hammock story.   

The End

Monday, March 28, 2016

Wins and Losses

       WINS                                                                            LOSSES

  • got a cool van                                                 haft to share it 
  • long hair don't care                                        ginger
  • got up this morning                                       late to first period
  • good group of friends                                     all of them started dating each other
  • good job                                                         manager hates me 
  • can afford panda express                               cant afford much else
  • im the tallest in the fam                                 my dad is only 5,6
  • no traffic to school today                               because no one goes to school at 8:00 
  • can't think of any bad things                                  can't think of any good thing
  • got accepted into first choice of school                because everyone gets accepted
  • have good A days                                                   boring B day


Sunday, March 20, 2016

lets get real folks.

k people. let’s get real. for the past week I’ve been wondering what I’m going to post. i could take the easy way which i normally do. talk about some BS fear like of heights or the future. or i could get real. actually write what truly frightens me. what shakes me to my core. and to tell you the truth even as I’m writing this now. i don't know which I’m going to do. being real is not something i really ever do. most of my days i put on a mask pretend thing are perfect, that everything great when in reality I’m dying inside. hating everyone and everything. and to tell you the truth, over the last year or so I’ve kind of stopped caring about most everything. so let’s get real.  

I AM SCARED. I’m scared of clowns, chucky the doll, of the dark, and chemistry as a whole. but i am terrified of the nothingness that i have felt every day for as long as i can remember. of the black hole that has settled in my life, sucking in every happy experience, thought, memory, and forcing it into a infinitely dense mass from which there is no light. most days i just sit there, staring into oblivion and wondering why i even bother. and it terrifies me. I’ve never really felt like I’ve ever belonged anywhere. there's this great quote by Robin Williams "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone." I’ve always felt like an outcast. a piece of a puzzle that was never had a place. this feed into the nothingness. I only go out because it’s better than the over occupied, crazy mesh that is my home life. you know I often fantasize about just leaving. Sailing off. Taking nothing and no one with me. no destination, just letting the nothingness envelop me. having my soul purpose to just be. And that what truly scares me. having thoughts like that. Not being driven or having the will. I used to stare into the night sky, thinking, comparing myself to it, Being covered in black emptiness, only being a few small lights from having it completely envelop me. but most of all I’m scared this it will never end. That ill wake up at the end of my life having done nothing because there’s really no point to anything. because in the end i truly don't feel anything. anyways if you read this far. Good for you. I probably wouldn’t have.  


Monday, March 14, 2016


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Monday, March 7, 2016


on so for this post im not just going to type what ever comes to mind. like a free thought kind of post. im not going to start with any ideas for real point. im just going to type what ever comes to mind. no back space no revisions, just my thought. nothing speacial just my thougts. man my mind if blank. i have nothing coming to mind. blank. blank  blank. nothing. this isnt starting out really strong. man do you know what is the best. Pokemon. talk about my child hood. man i loved that game, and show, and trading card game. i remember being in like second grade and id go over to my friend Dominic's house and trade cards and play with star wars legos. that was the best. i always thought that those games were the only important thing in life. that was the best. i should get a game boy. for nostalgia reasons of course. that would be wizard. elephant, hot dog, blue. i cant get deep. it official. I've tried. i just cant. most of the time i just feel stupid. irony right there. like i feel strongly about a lot of serious topics but when it comes to writing it down. it just doesn't work. like for example i think the fact that the two party system has turned into a turf war in our government is the dumbest thing about our country. that instead of working together for the common good, they just reject anything the other party hast to say and that laws only get past by the party with the majority in office. thats dumb. or that people not only stereotype but also feel the need to put them selves into a stereotype. just be your self not just whatever friend group your in. people are stupid. anyway its getting late and because this is a day late i doubt anyone will read this because its a day late. so peace, trump is a new jersey Hitler and 9 out of 5 times i don't know how anything works.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Life in Gifs






Sunday, February 21, 2016

the Beauty in the bricks

as of 7:56 that is the total number of people in the world. 

I don't think for the most part, people don't see the full grasp of how many people are on this and when they do it can be pretty depressing. if you were to just spend one minute with every person on this earth it would take you 123,392,633.883 hours or 5,411,359.74514 days or 14,085.91711 years before you were done. this is huge and for the most part depressing. on the out side most of us just look like a grain of sand in the middle of a dessert. there are so many people on the planet today most of us get overlooked or just seen as another name on an endless list of people, this is shown for sure i our education as kids are treated more as products on an assembly line then individuals, and that's what's truly sad. "even though every snowflake is unlike any other most people only see snow." even though there's not a single person on earth like us on earth the overwhelming number of people can cloud our vision of ourselves and the value of the part we play in the world. i think a lot of people see themselves replaceable like a brick. there's already another thousand others just like me, why do i matter, well think of it this way, bricks have millions of uses, to build a wall, counter weight, stool, just to name a few and even though every brick is for the most part the same each is used in a different way. us as people are the same way. see even though many of us are similar and have the same talents or goals each of us can do infinite things with infinite possibilities, and that's really the beauty of it. that we all start out the same but all go out to do different things and to live different lives all completely different and unique from the other 7,403,558,032 people on earth doing the same. 

being alone

to be straight forward i love being by myself. to just chill when no ones around, and to just chill. so many people i think are afraid of being alone, like for some reason if there not hanging out with someone or at a party there a loser, (this isn't always the case) but being comfortable by yourself can be a big thing, and you can learn a lot about yourself. being by yourself takes away social pressures and you really can just figure out what you truly want to do or just think about life. anyways just some food for thought  

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Post about luve

Now to be perfectly honest i know little to nothing about romantic love, to this day women are right at the top of my greatest fears along with freddy Krueger, and those creepy dolls from the first toy story.
but i do know alittle about another kind of love, and that is the love of sleep. IDK about you Guys but senioridas is real and in my life its a freakin epidemic. i cant stop. all i want to do is just lay back and sleep. AND ITS AMAZING. i love it. a couple of weeks ago i was a little tired so i was like. um i guess I'll take a nap. and no joke slept for like 16 hours. #NoRegrets i dont no if its the fact that i just dont care about much or its the crazy imagination that makes my dreams so much cooler then real life, or a combination of the two. either way its the best. plus i cant remember the last time i had a bad dream. i keep having this recurring dream were im the T-Rex in jurassic park and its the scene were there all trapped in the cars and there's ripples in the cup of water. its freakin awesome. anyway this is just a little part of my life i thought id share. c ya'll later

Sunday, February 7, 2016


a list of things i have control over

A poem about Hats

Hat on my head
your made of sweat threads
your color is red
just like my two sleds
i just want to go to bed
my alias is from bill and teds
come-paired to my friends i live in a shed
i am just fed....
up with all this hat hair
i think socks and sandals are a sick pair
i always picked dare
i dont think schools are fair
but i don't care
my favorite show is avatar the last air...
man i feel tender
i hope my writing gets better
i was born in denver
like a bear my den is full of fur
last night was a blur
my rhyming skills are amateur
and if you asked me which hat i would prefer
      id tell you
i just dont like hats

Monday, January 25, 2016

InTrO to My bLog

I guess I will Start with Why I chose The alias of Bill s Preston Esquire. he is one of the main Characters (along with Ted Theodore Logan) of a comedy movie from the 80's (Bill And Teds Excellent Adventure) about Two Morons trying to pass a history final so ted doesn't get sent to military school so there legendary band the Wyld Stallyns can stay together. to do this they end up using a time machine from a distant future to travel through history and take historical figures to be apart of there presentation.

now if most of you are thinking "wait what?" after reading this you basically know what its like watching the movie. but i would still highly recommend it. someone once im sure said "ignorance is bliss" and he would be correct and to tell you the truth the happiest moments of my life have been doing stupid things and just hanging with good friends. now how does this tie into this Blog. well for a number of reasons. for one im awful at spelling and grammar so the persona of a idiot fits me pretty well. plus this would be a good place to spit out all of the stupid random thoughts and ideas that go through my head that i dont share with the world in fear of destroying the already fleeting illusion that i am an intelligent human being.

anyway hope you like my blog

Sinserly: Bill S Preston Esquire